
The Bridge for

The Bridge for

children's family and specialist
children and their special needs
children and a way to communicate with world
children's family and specialist
children and their special needs
children and a way to communicate with word
About Us  See All Services  

Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization seeking to support children with disabilities by advocating, uplifting, and recognizing the disabled community. Through “The Bridge,” we want to inspire people to broaden their worldview and appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of all people.

What We Do

We provide picture communication boards tailored to the individual’s specific needs without any cost. Our vision also includes raising funds to donate to organizations or families of children with disabilities, as well as offering social, emotional support for disabled children through a buddy program. This program will match peers/mentors to the children and will offer a great opportunity for a genuine, authentic connection for both mentor and mentee.

How It Works

  • Picture Communication: parents or therapists/educators will request customized pictures to help nonverbal children communicate for free.
  • Visual support system:we all learn and communicate better through visual support such as emojis in our daily life. Parents or therapists/educators will request an individualized visual support system, such as a “picture schedule,” “feeling emoji board,” or a “first, then board” through our website. We will mail it out to the parents, organization, or therapist. 
  • Buddy program: children with disabilities will be uplifted through a buddy program. We will support social-emotional development for disabled children in the buddy program. 
  • Fund Raising: parents or organizations for children with disabilities will be supported via donations through fundraising. 
  • Advocate:high school students will support children with disabilities and enjoy a genuine friendship through mentoring opportunities.


Our Mission

Our mission is to support children with disabilities through a buddy system, providing picture communication boards and therapeutic materials, and fundraising.

Our Vision

Through this nonprofit organization, we aim to recognize individuals with disabilities while also breaking down the barriers to create a more inclusive world.

We are to be the bridge for

Children and their specialists.
Children and their special needs.
Children and their ability to communicate with the world.

High Tech AAC Devices

If your child is qualified for AAC devices, then AAC device provider may contact you. Depending on your child's health insurance, your child may get the device with NO cost or minium cost.

Please fill out the form below.
